Thursday, February 24, 2011

Observation and Promises

Tenebria has continued to stalk us. We're pretty sure it's her- 99% per cent (of all the people who were outside the restaurant today and yesterday, she was the only one with a tattoo of an operator symbol and the only one who KEPT STARING AT US) so it's either her or another poxy proxy. We're still not sure precisely what she is (A Revenant? A Redlight? A Conduit? Just plain creepy? Who knows!) but this is what we've observed.

-She's short, about my height, but much skinnier (as in, "girl, you need to eat twice what you're eating now because you look half starved" skinny.). Her hair is black, spiky, and about jaw length.

-Asian or part-asian. Kinda pasty-looking- not like not-much-time-in-the-sun pasty (she has sunburn on her face and shoulders, so probably too much) know how when people are sick their face gets this funny grey cast to it sometimes? Yeah.

- It was quite cold for a summer day yesterday, but she was still dressed for the height of summer, which is quite peculiar. She didn't look cold, either.

- She can stand very still (like, statue-still) for very long periods of time (2 hours +) with no apparent discomfort.

-She doesn't have a healing factor as her hands are still bandaged from breaking into our house and encountering our "security measures".

- She can run very fast or has some other method of transportation, because Chester and I went out to see if we could confront her (in public, so she can't do anything too crazy) and we take our eyes off her for about three seconds to check how many people are around and then when we look back she's gone. We didn't even hear her go. This in itself is worrying, that she has a method of transportation that instantaneous or a running speed that high.

Yeah...I don't know. I guess we'll just keep on observing her.

You know how, in an earlier entry, I mentioned making friendship bracelets, one for each of those who have died, and wearing them to remind me of those who we have lost? I'm making them for every blogger I've spoken to now. I'm keeping them in a drawer for now. I'm only wearing the ones for those who died. One day, all of this will be over, somehow, no matter how many years it takes. And then, Chester and I will hop on a plane and give everyone the bracelets. All of you. I don't care if we have to work two shifts a day AND weekends to afford it, we will.

Please, guys.

Don't make me add any more to the five (Zero, Amelia, Melody, Fizzy, Jeff's family) already on my wrist right now.



  1. ....

    Able to stand really really still.
    Able to vanish when you take your eyes off her.
    A greyish pallor to her skin.
    And she simply stays there and stares.

    I wonder if Slendy is capable of reproduction with a human, or reproduction period.

    Could I have a blue one? Not that I intend to make you wear it.


    Vivi says she has blue thread, so she can do that. She also thinks what you just said is hilarious.


  3. What can I say, I either have interesting theories, disturbing theories, or hilariously disturbing theories.

    Its what I do.
    Also: Yay! blue!

  4. I can't help but wonder what Tenebria herself would think of this...


  5. one of four things, I'd imagine.

    "Ew, I didn't need that mental image about Dad."

    "Ewww, hell no. I'd rather be his girlfriend."

    "Eww, they think I'm his daughter."

  6. missed the fourth one apparently.
    "Pft, I *wish*."

  7. OHOHOHOHO that is just the funniest thing i've heard in AAAAAAAAAGES

    hee hee

    I don't think I'm actually his daughter. I've never met my dad, my mother was a solo mother and never told me who he was




  8. Speak of the devil and she shall appear.

    So tell me, Tenebria, Why So Serious?

  9. Dear GOOOOOOOD! Jedi, I think i hate you at this moment...that's just not right. Do you know how much you just traumatized Chester? lol

    Chester I'm sorry for what it's worth. I hope your mind recovers.

  10. Ohhhh batman references. I'm not very much like the Joker. I believe there's already a Joker in name and a Joker by nature among your ranks, that name is taken. So I'm Tenebria instead.

    I'm not a very serious person, Jedi. Life is but a game and us fools the players~

  11. "I wonder if Slendy is capable of reproduction with a human, or reproduction period."

    Oh, screw THAT. No. Just, no. I already had one mental breakdown tonight/today. Way to give me another.

    Also, D read that post. I think you broke him. He's just standing there and twitching.

    Maybe Tenebria is like Minecraft Creeper. They both seem to have a talent for staring. Does she look like that kid from Donnie Darko when she does it? Because if she does, they must be related.


  12. I dont know anyone called Minecraft Creeper. What a strange thing to call oneself!

    I have an exceptional talent for not blinking. It's very useful for keeping an eye on my lovely little local pests~

  13. Rule 34 on Slendy, we must have.

    You have to keep an eye on yourself? Wow, now that takes dedication.

  14. I was talking about those two. Ooh, they've realised I'm here. Good thing too, I was beginning to wonder if I should leave before I saw something I wouldn't have wanted to see. Nice garden, very well tended to, can't help but wonder how they find the time.

  15. ...Don't talk like that, we were just kissing, and if that grosses you out (what are you, 12?) then don't look in our windows, you little voyeur.

    Don't step on the rosemary. I put that in my cooking sometimes.


  16. Really? Now you see, when you say pest, I think of you.

  17. I was told to keep an eye on you. :\ Maybe I should leave if you two start getting all affectionate, it makes me rather uncomfortable. Hmmm...orders vs. dislike of displays of affection.

    Meh. Not like I'm going to learn anything interesting from watching you two watch videos of cats on youtube. See you two screwups tomorrow~

  18. ...You're calling US screwups? Oh, that's funny. /Really/ funny.

    If you're so sure WE'RE the screwed up ones, tell us about yourself. Go on. We want to know why you act the way you do.


  19. Is it just me or do all the proxies really just need to get laid?

    I mean seriously.

    Peeping toms (...or whatever the female name of 'Tom' is), kidnapping girls, talking about 'master's dexterious and sensitive tentacles', seriously.

    Just go out on a date for once, it'll help.

  20. ...Since when did any of the proxies talk about...never mind. And I don't think she was doing that on purpose. She just happened to be being creepy at the same time and Chess and I were being mushy.


  21. I must admit, I'm having far too much fun making everyone go '...wait, wut?'

    besides, the best way to stop fearing something is to ridicule it!

    Obviously all the proxies are into teh tentacle monsters.

    Why else do they serve something that has a crapton of them?

    Hell, one of my previous theories based on making fun of it, says that Slendy is obviously the physical manifestation of 4chan.

    Faceless because No Image Availible.

    Tentacles because 4chan eats up that shit.

    He focuses on kids to keep Pedobear at bay.

    His servants?

  22. ...Yeah, you told us that one. That would explain why so many of the proxies behave like trolls!


  23. Sorry, sorry. I hate repeating a joke.

    Next time you're aware of little miss voyeur, I suggest starting a really heavy makeout session, she apparently doesn't like that.

  24. That might work as well as anything...And it wasn't that heavy, so maybe if we try that she'll leave us alone for good! Unlikely, but nice thought.


  25. Ah fucking christ, I just saw him.

    He was right behind my computer chair.

    He just stood there, wiggling his tentacles a bit. Then he slowly pulled out a portable speaker....It started to play 'So happy together'.

    Then he just left, but he left a rose next to me.

    .... I don't know if I should be flattered or disturbed.

  26. ...I'm going to have nightmares about that for the rest of my life.


  27. Geeze, I guess I'm better at writing stories than I thought.

  28. jedi(x) you are a very strange person

    however that is not necessarily bad

    i suppose

  29. Jed, you scare me. No, you terrify me. That's creepier than SlimJim dancing. Which was creepy and funny at the same time.

  30. Strange is not necessarily bad. Some of the best people I know are absolutely bizarre.


  31. Oh come on, I'm being silly. Might as well be, being afraid doesn't seem to do much.

  32. It doesn't. You have to put on a brave face, try and joke around a little. The less fearful you are, the better. Fear = stressed = bad.


  33. Well now I'm being told that I scare people.

    I'm trying to make them laugh.

    P.S. you're welcome Chester, I gave you an excuse to have a makeout session whenever you want. Just say 'I see her, don't look, lets do this.'


  34. You did give him an excuse! If he weren't so shy about that kind of thing (to the point that when he came home before the Solstice it was several hours before he got up the courage to make intentional physical contact ^^;) I'd be worried about whether we actually had Tenebria hanging around or if he was just being sneaky.

    (...I would object to that but you're right. --Chester)


  35. Well Chester, here's your chance! Now she won't know if you're saving both your lives, or simply loving her.

    No need to work up courage, she won't know if you don't tell her!

    P.S. (remember, I want pics.)


    I wouldn't say saving, if Tenebria really wanted to kill us she'd get over her squick and knife us while we were distracted. Why she's squicked out by a bit of cuddling and light kissing is beyond me. She should meet Leah and Max. She would go blind.


  37. Maybe like her father she doesn't understand this strange emotion we humans call Love.

    Its like one of those cheesy sci fi movies.

    Greenskinned Alien Babe: "What is this 'love' you humans speak about?"

    Spaceman: "I'll show you."

    *makeout session*

  38. Well, neither of us is going to make out with her, so that avenue is out.

    Besides, that's not showing them love, it's showing them makeouts. The two are not mutually inclusive!


  39. But they're not mutually exclusive either!

  40. Good point! We have our lunch break now so we'll BRB. if Tenebria shows up we have a plan!


  41. Oooh, spooky.

    Can you see this?
    *rude gesture*

  42. Hm. We couldn't see you. Thanks for telling us you were there!


  43. You still couldn't see me though, could you? I told you I was there and you couldn't see me~

  44. You know, eventually your father is going to find you, and then young lady, you'll have some explaining to do.

    I can just imagine that faceless face looking down on you with disappointment.

  45. ...I lol'd so hard I nearly spilled spaghetti bolognese all over the floor.


  46. His non eyes narrowing, his non-existent forehead creasing as he frowns with his non-existent mouth.

    "Why are you stalking those two? If you want to make friends, go up and talk to them. Where'd you learn to act like this?"


    "Who taught you to do this?!"


    "....." *tilt head*

  47. did you just write our new stalker some Fanfiction?
