Friday, February 25, 2011

More strangeness

Okay, um, Tenebria is definitely not human. Either that or she's a seriously sneaky-ass ninja. Chester and I were out back eating, I go to check the blogs and lo and behold there is a comment saying she can see us. But we couldn't see her, so we made sure we were armed (yay, cricket bats!) and kept on eating.

Then BAM there she is. about two metres away, leaning against the bricks like she'd been there the entire time.

She looked even stranger up close. She looks like somebody ill- she's really skinny, there's an unhealthy pallor to her skin, and she looks...languid. Apathetic. She slumps, talks slowly, and rarely shows any kind of expression other than complete and utter boredom.

(So your polar opposite then? --Chess)

Pretty much. Also, she keeps referring to me as "Silver-eyes" and Chester as "Gold-eyes" which is pretty weird. I suppose you could call Chester's eye colour "gold" but it would take a REAL stretch of imagination. They're a kind of gold-ish hazel. Pretty, but not gold. My boyfriend is not a Meyerpire! Theme Nicknaming Fail!

So we looked at her and she looked at us for a while, then our lunch break ended and we went back inside. I turned around to see what she was doing and she wasn't there.

Okay. So we still have no clue what exactly she is other than she can pull some kind of magical disappearing act and she's squicked out by displays of affection. So not human. Man, that REALLY narrows it down doesn't it. >.> 



  1. Oh shit I think she's a teleporter. That's not good.

    I'm going through Reach's blog and timelining stuff, and I ran across some of his old posts talking about you think Tenebria might be one? It would explain the teleportation/whatever the hell it is she's doing. Some conduits do seem to be able to do stuff like that if they're aware of what they are.

    Stay safe. (Gold-eyes, LOL. I promise to never call you that Chester. ^^)


  2. She might be using the other world to get around thus the reason she looks like crap.

  3. Will's theory is good too. Do you notice a shimmer or flicker before she shows up?


  4. aaand everbody'll miss my epic joke on the last post too.


    Its obvious, she's Slenderp's bastard child.

  5. Went back and read it. That was amazing. xD

    If she IS Slenderp's kid this means three things. One, we are screwed. Two, my theory about her being a Conduit is probably right. And three, he discovered tentacle rape. DAMN YOU JAPAN!!!

    And with that mental image, I bid you adieu.


  6. Oh jesus christ and I thought we were safe from Slenderman in NZ, let alone Auckland. Archive binge time, and hoping that a certain faceless visitor isn't keen on walking across the harbour bridge or catching the ferry for my sake...

  7. Pft, Alora? I've been bringing those images for a day now. A bit late to the party.

    Hey, Tenebria. I have to ask, why are you doing all this?

    I mean I know you want to make daddy proud of you, but you're possibly going to hurt people.

  8. @Blake: No, unfortunately we are not. My advice is to pull out, try and forget you ever saw anything, and get on with your life.

    @Everyone else: Her being a Conduit sounds pretty plausible, and the bit about using the Other Place sounds pretty plausible, but judging from her behaviour we're going to have to just keep guessing because she aint gonna tell us if we're right.


  9. @JediZero: I'm always late to the party when it comes to these things. I'm sorta dense. (At least I'm not as bad as D. He's never heard of tentacle rape. Or he doesn't remember hearing of it. Lucky bastard...damn rule 42. >.<)

    @Vivi: She's one of those, then? Yeah, she must be related to Minecraft Creeper. He constantly has that "I know something you don't know" face. Weirdo. If he and Tenebria aren't related, they should hang out. They would be perfect for each other.


  10. We haven't confirmed it but it's the most likely theory at the moment...

    Creeper/Tenebria FTW!


  11. Oh come on, what happened to my theory?
    Totally SlenDERP's bastard child.

  12. I'm totally agreeing with Jed. Damn you, Jedi.
    What if she's a ghoul? Or better yet, a zombie. Well, technically a zombie. Back from the dead- explains skin color and the apathetic attitude. If she's being revived by Him, He could easily super-power her. Takes away the "zombie slowness factor".
    Hehe, Wall of text is wall.

  13. @Vivi: Best crack pairing ever. x3 Bring on the fanfics!

    @JediZero: Well, her being Slenderp's bastard child could explain her being a Conduit, as being related to that...thing...would definitely increase her chances of being born one. So maybe we're both right.

    ...I really hope neither of us is right, because that would be effing terrifying. o.o


  14. Well whatever the hell she is, be careful guys.

    @Alors: What is rule 42??

  15. @Selina: Oops, wrong rule. I meant to say Rule 34: If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions. IDK was rule 42 is. I was sorta tired when I wrote that post. Numbers getting all jumbled and all.

    And yes, rule 34 EVEN APPLIES TO SLENDER. Be afraid. Very afraid.


  16. ...I do wonder what Tenebria herself thinks of all this. I might ask her over on her tumblr just to see how she reacts...

    Rule 42 is the the answer to everything is 42. Or at least if it isn't it should be.


  17. Agreed. This is the new rule 42. Or at least it is in our section of the 'verse. ^^

