Sunday, March 6, 2011

Good News, Bad News.

[EDIT: Holyshitholyshitholyshit Slendy showed up and Tenebria had a freaking seizure. She's okay, but we're all REALLY freaked out.] The good news is that Tenebria is no longer unconscious. She's fully awake and mostly functional, although apparently touching things makes her feels like she's being sandpapered and she can't eat anything that isn't bland because it's a sensory overload.

I'm not sure if we should consider this a Heel Face Turn or not. She hasn't said anything to indicate who's side she's on. She could still be working for Where's-his-face for all we know, since she hasn't said she isn't. For now, we'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

The bad news is that this appears to have pissed off Ole Slim Jim no end. He was outside last night, in the living room window, doing that weird headtilty thing with tentacles thrashing. Scared the shit out of Vivi and I. We didn't get to sleep until midnight because we didn't want to ignore him in case he actually came into the house. Which he hasn't done yet, which is odd considering he probably can.

Odd. Oh well, count your blessings.



  1. One, two, four, six, eighty, a billion? I'm glad there still are some. ~Frap

  2. Everyone has blessings. Whether they know of them or not.


  3. There's been a new defense symbol discovered.

    I suggest you start making use of it.

    Its basically a mixture of the (x) symbol, and the fish symbol from Christianity.

    basically, it looks like a fish that's been made into a focused eye.

    Link with info.

  4. Wheres-His-Face. I love that. Tenebria, doer of Good. Cool.

  5. Well, hopefully she'll be grateful to be back to normal.

  6. It's probably going to get some getting used to for Tenebria...just give her time, she probably doesn't know what to think herself just yet.

    You pissed off Slender? That is both dangerous and awesome. Here's hoping he's just pitching a hissy fit and isn't planning on doing anything violent...

    Stay safe.


  7. She's getting better. She can walk around now, and pick things up and otherwise interact with objects without feeling like she's being sandpapered, something she's quite happily taken advantage of (she's found my Rubik's cube and is attempting to solve it) but she'll only speak if spoken to and even then sometimes she'll just look up and stare.


  8. Seems she's having a bit of an existential crisis at the moment.

    I can't be there to hug her so Vivi, could you do it for me?

    If she'll let you, that is.

  9. What, you sweet on her or something?


    I'll tell Vivi, when she stops staring off into space and typing. I know better than to break her concentration.


  10. ....Well, erm...she seems like she's been through a lot.

    And she needs help.

    So what if I was?
    I helped her, dammit, I wanna make sure she's ok.

  11. Hoooooooooooooooooo boy. I did suspect.

    She's alright, don't worry. She's been doing a lot of reading. She's quite happy doing that, I think. She looks very different with some kind of emotion on her face.


  12. Vivi! Chester!

    I made it.


  13. CHESKA. OH MY GOD. thank god you're okay.

    Jeff...Jeff's gone, isn't he?

  14. Cheska...Cheska, I'm so sorry. *internet hug* I'm glad you're alive, but...

    I'm so sorry, Cheska.


  15. I...

    I'm so glad you're alive.

    Part of me still can't believe he's gone. It's losing a family member.

    I really want to believe in a heaven, now, because those who have fallen belong in it.

